May Day Festival Sunday May 1st after the march

MAY 1st
at The Los Angeles Workers’ Center
1251 S. Saint Andrews Place
from 4-10 pm
Los Angeles, CA 90019

MATT SEDILLO (Spoken Word)
Wil B (Hip Hop)
TONALI (Hip Hop)
OLMECA (Hip Hop)
and other socially conscious performers, international music and food. Featuring an indoor
progressive art gallery.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

2010, Last Year's May Day Flyer

Come Join Us May 1

Click Here to Download Flyer

1 comment:

  1. It's Ross Altman, not Attman and we need to change the OPNC logo to the new one and add the L.A. Workers' Center logo to the flyer.
